Saturday, May 8, 2010

For Heaven's's MAY!

The lilac's have been blooming for over a week...
great big purple flowers...wonderful scents...

My garden is growing and it's so much
earlier than it usually is...

The myrtle has the tiniest of purple blossoms...

...and the lily of the valley is in it's final stages
before the flowers burst and
the fragrance wafts into my window...

lavender is growing and it won't be long...

...and then this? The weather report says there is a chance of flurries...
say it ain't so!!! I'm probably not going to see any here at home, but rest assured that there will be snow within a few's just crazy...the wind has been howling all day. This was 64* here at my house and now ... this?? It must be a dream...a bad one!

1 comment:

  1. Have you heard of the Old wives tale about Lilac in the house means death! Good job I am not supersticious - looks better on the tree anyway. nice posting thanks



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