Sunday, October 10, 2010

Serenity Sunday...week 70

Portrait of my Life

As I watch the sun, setting crimson over the horizon,
I realize that another day has come to an end.
Like the colors of my life, the yellows, russets and blues
seem to float over the dark line of trees and hills,
the division between earth and air that is really no division at all…
just a temporary border between night and day.
The colors of sunset are the events of my day,
Woven together, bound without a trace of beginning or end,
They make a complete picture of my life.
It has no abrupt starts and stops….
just a colorful painting of living life to it’s fullest potential.
…..and again it is true…at first light.
Tamara J. Egan
June 2001
**My sister sent me these pictures yesterday.
She lives near Cleveland, Ohio and they were taken
at the "Rocky River Nature Center".
It is, obviously a beautiful place.
The autumn colors are all around us...
reminding us to look forward,
but not to forget the past.
Enjoy your Sunday! **Tami

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