Around here…nothing doing…doing nothing…except watching snowflakes grow into mammoth piles of snow. Piles of snow so huge that I could not wade through it if I tried. Winter white surrounds everything in it’s path and the icicles grow at an incredible rate.

I used to enjoy the snow…I was a skier for years. I’ve come to dread the white stuff…even dislike it to a degree! Last Friday (February 4th) marked the first time in 33 days that we didn’t have a measurable snowfall. Ordinarily, that wouldn’t be such an achievement for most of you out there…here it’s something to celebrate!

It started in December and has snowed almost continually since. According to an article in the NY Times…December in Syracuse (by 12/22) 71.9 inches of snow had fallen on our fair city making it the snowiest December on record. It hasn’t really stopped since…except on New Years day. That day it was a balmy 58* at my house, which quickly prompted the opening of windows to air out the place.

We skated on the storm that left the rest of the country in shambles last week. I don’t know how we managed that, but we were relatively ‘snowfall-less’ last Wednesday (Feb. 2) with only about 7 inches which was several inches shy of the predicted snowfall.

Yesterday, however, we made up for it. In the afternoon…it started as rain/sleet/freezing rain, depending upon where in the county you were…then HUGE snowflakes began to fall. That’s how the roads became so bad so quickly. There were about 10 inches of snow on my car this morning…it was only snowing for about 3 hours last night. I can attest that the shovel fulls of this snow was back breakingly heavy…laden with the water from the sleet and rain that fell during the afternoon.

(These photos have been taken over the past couple of weeks at random times. That will explain the different amounts of snow on the ground. The nighttime photos were taken last night during the latest snowfall. The daytime road photos were taken this morning on my way to my parents for a visit. As much as I hate to admit it...snow photographs well...)
Love the second road shot Tami (the vertical)...that's a framer!