Sunday, January 31, 2010
Serenity Sunday...week 39
Saturday, January 30, 2010
The Old Painted Cottage: Living Room Redo – Fireplace Makeover
This is one of my favorite blogs...
check out this post...
The Old Painted Cottage: Living Room Redo – Fireplace Makeover
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Barnhouse open!

You have to check this place out! The Boys of Barnhouse, who hail from the upper northwest, Battle Ground, WA, and have an awesome blog, have opened a new online shop. Stop by their blog and enter to win Barnhouse cash! I have been reading about their events and sales for a while and I'm so excited that now I can have a little taste of BarnHouse style from the east coast!
So...go straight to the marketplace, and see if I'm right! Awesome stuff!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Serenity Sunday...week 38
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Serenity Sunday...week 37

Friday, January 15, 2010
LaFayette NY...winter wonderland
I took these pictures last Sunday. When I was arriving, the scene before me was almost unbelievable. Not a bit of any color was visible, only white and a faded blue in the sky. It literally looked like God shook a sugar shaker overhead and it stayed where it landed. Every tree, from trunk to twig was perfectly cast in they were spray painted. An hour or two later, when I left and was able to get these pictures, the ice/frost had begun to melt...just a little.

Thursday, January 14, 2010
I won, I won!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Happy my sister...
My sister is celebrating her birthday today... please send good thoughts her way...
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Serenity Sunday...week 36

Sunday, January 3, 2010
Snoooowww Stormmmm...Brrrrr!

Serenity Sunday...week 35
Saturday, January 2, 2010
HAPPY (belated) New Year!
I've been out of town visiting with my sister and family in Avon, Ohio. Well. I did return on Wednesday, but have been busy ever since. I went into the office on Thursday and yesterday I worked around the house. My plan today is to continue yesterday's work. I have some pictures from my trip to show you later. I had a wonderful time!
I don't ever make resolutions...not seriously anyway (can a resolution to win the Lottery really be taken seriously?), but try to think about what I should do to improve my life. It's not an easy task. So, I'll just leave it like this...I'll try not to make bad decisions, I'll try to improve my health and save some extra money. After all, you cannot make a lot of promises to yourself that are impossible to have to be able to trust yourself.
So, wishes for myself aside, I hope the new year brings happiness, health and wealth to you my friends...
All the best to you! Tami