Sunday, January 24, 2010

Serenity Sunday...week 38

"The path to our destination is not always a straight one, Ed. We go down the wrong road, we get lost, we turn back. Maybe it doesn't matter which road we embark on. Maybe what matters is that we embark."

- Leonard to Ed, Northern Exposure
I don't know what it is, maybe just that it's WINTER, but the TV show 'Northern Exposure' keeps popping into my head for my Serenity Sunday series. I always loved the show and one of my favorite characters was Chris, the "Philosopher, radio show host". I always found his message to the good people of Cicely, Alaska, relevant and insightful. His monologue on his radio show always made me think...and isn't that what it's supposed to do? Make us think about those things that motivate us. Those things that move us into action, or make us stop and think about what's going on around us. I realize that this quote, itself, isn't from Chris, but it is one of those quotes that makes you think....

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