Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday, family day

Sunday morning is a family time for us. For the past, I'd say about 15 years or so, we've all gathered at my parents house for family "catch up" time. By family, I mean not only our relative family, but also those who we've sort of adopted as honorary family members. Those honorary members are those friends that are so close and so well thought of, that we love them as family members.

My immediate family, my brother and his wife and 2 sons, my sister and her husband, son and daughter when they are in town, various Uncles and Aunts and my Grandmothers when they were alive, all show up anywhere between 9 and noon for coffee and various donuts, muffins and cookies. Our family friends join us as often as possible and my great friend Wendy is in attendance almost every Sunday as well. It's casual, lively and always fun!

The whole thing started when we were kids and my Uncles and Grandparents would come over after church for coffee and often stay for dinner. As we grew up and went our own ways, it became a way for us to keep in touch with each other as our busy lives took over and it became more and more difficult to talk on a daily basis. We celebrate birthdays and special occasions on Sundays so it was just easier to do it on Sunday mornings.

My Mom's friends have commented to her many times throughout the years how great it is that we all still show up and wonder how she does it. It's not that she asks us to come, we just do it, mainly for ourselves and the family connection that, I think, is lacking in so many families. Don't get me wrong, there are times that for some reason or another, some of us can't, but we make it almost every week. Even my Uncle comes every week and when he doesn't its usually because he's working or has something going on with his own family.

I can't tell you how nice it is to know my family and how unfortunate whose are who don't. I wonder how unusual it is, that after all these years, we still come together on a Sunday morning, sit around the dining room table and just talk? I am so thankful that we do...

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