Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Serenity Sunday...week 18
"3 Days of Peace & Music"
(If that isn't inspirational, what is?)
This afternoon, I watched a TV Documentary that I taped. It was shown a couple of days ago on the History Channel and called 'Woodstock: Now and Then". I have to say, it was the best chronicle on the music festival I have ever seen. It was dubbed the biggest gathering of people in one spot in history (up to that point). Incredibly, there was no violence (unlike the Woodstock '99 in Rome, NY and other music festivals since then). It was full of interviews of those who were involved in the planning, pictures, film and historic information and insights, it was so interesting to me.
I was just 10 years old at the time, but remember the TV news covering the festival.
They say there were almost 500,000 young people in attendance. Imagine if you were one of the few people that lived in that small town, watching the cars and people come into town in droves! I can imagine that would scare the "JEEPERS" out of the 'townies'. But not Max Yasgur who saw this event as an expression of 'freedom of speech'. He figured out how much money his farm would lose if he leased the property to the investors, gave them the figure and it was theirs for the festival.
Since the NYS Thruway was closed and any and all roads to the grounds were socked full of people and vehicles, most of the entertainers had to be flown in.
This couple were interviewed in this documentary and are still together.
How anyone could find their friends in this crowd is beyond me.
If you get a chance, look up this TV show on the History channel. You'll be glad you did!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Makeover Issue-Country Living
Country Living Magazine
September 2009 Makeover Issue
Has anyone seen this month's Country Living? It's chuck full of great makeovers and lot's of "Steal this idea" hints. If you haven't read it yet, pick it up! You'll be glad you did...
One of the articles is about Pennsylvania homeowner/designer Mary Jane McCarty and the renovation of her home in Yardley, PA. I love her use of color and how she weaves her family heirlooms and vintage finds into every room. My favorite room is the kitchen. Her home is warm, friendly and one I'd be happy to live in myself!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Hurry! Run don't walk....
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
BARN SALE: Serving Wine and Cheese...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
"Day-Trippin" to Cazenovia, NY
Our day-trip took us the 'Old and Everlasting', a little shop that was having a great barn sale.

Driving into town we spotted this 'Buggy Driving Contest'. We didn't stay to watch, but it looked kind of fun!

We pulled into the village to stop at the 'Cazenovia Grill' for lunch only to find that they were closed for vacation (only in a small town, huh?).

So after stopping next door to the Art Gallery, we went to 'Dave's Diner'. Nice little diner/coffee shop that I'm certain the college students adore!

The town is packed full of old mansions and lake houses as it is perched on the shore of Cazenovia Lake. I thought you might enjoy a look at some of these old homes and the shopping district.